e entrepreneurship definition

As a result, E-Entrepreneurship is often referred to as a creative technology entrepreneurship that progresses through three stages: an initial “evolutionary” development (infancy and youth), a “revolutionary” (crisis), and a second “evolutionary” (maturity) (Eliakis et al. Following this, current approaches to defining entrepreneurship are reviewed. The research model stated that E-Entrepreneurship practices at the online transaction level, generate outcomes and that Saudis should investigate its potential. Younis H, Katsioloudes M, Al Bakri A. Rostamnezhad M, Nasirzadeh F, Khanzadi M, Jarban MJ, Ghayoumian M (2020) Modeling social sustainability in construction projects by integrating system dynamics and fuzzy‐DEMATEL method: a case study of highway project. An inexpensive and simple way to administer method of checking internal consistency is to conduct anonymous surveys. at work. In: Handbook of research on techno-entrepreneurship, 2nd edn. The finding of the study significantly implicates E-Entrepreneurship service providers and e-marketers to develop a more complete understanding of the factors that affect the Individual intention to accept E-Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. 2018). The key difference here is that the startup is small in the beginning, but its success relies on using an innovative idea to respond to a large-scale opportunity. “Opportunity” implies an offering that is novel in one or more of four ways. Digital entrepreneurship intentions of Qatar university students motivational factors identification: digital entrepreneurship intentions. A causal and effect decision making model of service quality expectation using grey-fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Business savvy? This type of leader is known as a social entrepreneur. Electron Commer Res Appl 12(2):61–68, Springer Nature - PMC COVID-19 Collection, Perceived usefulness → behavior intention, Perceived usefulness → online transaction. According to this, a sample size of 96–384 people is considered appropriate for statistical power in data analysis. The study by Oumlil and Juiz (2018) on “acceptance of tourism E-Entrepreneurship” found that the most important aspect of the emerging E-Entrepreneurship within tourism is mostly linked to the social status towards women. - A.H.Cole "Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. According to Stevenson, entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled. Accessed 6 Jun. Cronbach's coefficients for all of the pilot study's variables were within reasonable ranges: behavior intention 0.815, online transactions 0.806, perceived usefulness 0.901, and social pressure 0.888. Essentially, the advancement of information technology was the only thing that enabled this value offer to be made. E-Entrepreneurship, according to Kollmann (), is the act of "establishing a new company with a creative business concept within the Net Economy, which offers its goods and/or services based on a purely electronic production of value, using an electronic platform in data networks." 2009; Moorty et al. It indicates that “social pressure” in E-Entrepreneurship adoption is the key criteria. Therefore, the threshold value obtained which is the average of elements in matrix T, is 6.247286637. MIS Quart 425–478, Wang C, Zhang P (2012) The evolution of social commerce: the people, management, technology, and information dimensions. E-Entrepreneurship can be started with no money, while e-commerce is not possible. Financing risk relates to whether external capital will be available on reasonable terms. Cultural differences between Western nations and Saudi Arabia, according to the report, are a concern that can hinder E-Entrepreneurship. The concept of online transactions is crucial when looking into the adoption of Entrepreneurship or the success of E-Entrepreneurship. “Behavioral Intention to adopt E-Entrepreneurs” criteria is the most important sub-criteria with the highest r + c value, whereas “social pressure” criteria are the least important sub-criteria (see Table ​Table5).5). According to Creswell (2013), the overall research design is a general strategy that aids in defining the data collection location, formulating research issues, field-related ethical criteria, data collection and analysis procedures, and the research's role during the data collection phase. There are numerous research studies from various contexts to understand the value of E-Entrepreneurship. Electron Commerce Res Appl 12(4):260–279, Dayal S (2016) An Analysis of the Social Media Influence on the online buying behavior of Indian Consumers, XVII Annual International Seminar Proceedings, Davis FD (1989) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Face validity was assessed by research experts after pre-testing the survey and DEMATEL questions. An entrepreneur is an individual who starts and runs a business with limited resources and planning, and is responsible for all the risks and rewards of their business venture. As a professor, I suppose I am guilty of mincing words. 2010; Abdelkarim and Nasereddin 2010; Chandio 2011; Chan and Lu 2004; Davis 1989; Eunju and Kyung 2009; Jen et al. Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or businesses while bearing all the risks with the hope of making a profit.. The essential criteria and variables that influence Entrepreneurship adoption, but not E-Entrepreneurship, have empirical evidence in the literature. Hair et al. This paper provides a correct, complete, and concise definition of entrepreneurship. The samples of the study are obtained from Saudis. 24(1):85–111. (2017) benchmarking was used to select the sample frame for this analysis, which consisted of Saudis who were engaged in an online company. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'entrepreneur.' This is carried out by Eq. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted This indicates the influences of all the variables on E-Entrepreneurship Behavioral Intention. J Retail 77(3):397–416, Sun Y, Liu L, Peng X, Dong Y, Barnes SJ (2014) Understanding Chinese users’ continuance intention toward online social networks: an integrative theoretical model. "Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or a group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain or organise a profit-oriented business unit for the production or distribution of economic goods and services. FOIA This study found that the following hypothesis could be formed based on this scenario: Online transactions will mediate the relationship of perceived usefulness, social pressure with E-Entrepreneurship behavioral intention. The study's findings have important implications for E-Entrepreneurship service providers and e-marketers who want to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence people's willingness to consider E-Entrepreneurship. E-Entrepreneurship has radically changed the way both producers and consumers make decisions by being a revolutionary business concept within the business mind of society. J Exp Social Psychol 73:97–110, Chandio FH (2011) Studying acceptance of online banking information system: A structural equation model (Doctoral dissertation, Brunel University Brunel Business School PhD Theses). This section presents the evaluation and testing of the research model being proposed using the data collected by the respondents in the field survey. Definitions of Entrepreneurship - Economics Discussion This research used a simple random sampling methodology for the survey method to ensure that every Saudi Arabian had a chance to participate. By the early 20th century entrepreneur appears to have taken on the connotation of go-getter when applied to an independent business owner, a quality that may also be found in the phrase entrepreneurial spirit, which began being used at about the same time. The more modern entrepreneurship definition is also about transforming the world by solving big problems like bringing about social change or creating an innovative product that . This research provides new empirical evidence on the state of E-Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia and how online businesses are completely performed on the Internet. government site. Commun Associ Inf Syst 31(1):5. (3), Step 4: Generating the rows and columns of matrix: This step generates the rows and columns matrix as n×1and1×n presentation of the rows and columns vectors of the total relation matrix by Eqs. 2005) discovered a connection between social pressure and entrepreneurship. 2013). Cronbach's ‘Alpha’ is strongest when it is close to 1.0. Entrepreneur Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster As a result, Table ​Table22 shows the effects of the correlations between the variables as well as the conclusions reached based on the hypothesis. For treatments of the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth, see economic growth: Entrepreneurship and economic growth: Role of the entrepreneur. Inf Manage 50(2-3):112–124, Jarvenpaa SL, Tractinsky N, Vitale M (2000) Consumer trust in an Internet store. From social entrepreneurship to scalable startup entrepreneurship to intrapreneurs, there is no limit to the kinds of entrepreneurs currently operating within businesses. Saudi Arabia has a population of about 40 million people. Innovation? As a result, the experts' perceptions of how criteria i influence criteria j are collected in a non-negative matrix (for each expert). National Library of Medicine entrepreneur. As a result, other researchers (Al-Maghrabi et al. This is particularly important for Saudis who want to work in the technology-driven industry of E-Entrepreneurship. DEMATEL results are also consistent with the survey finding. Several recommendations are given in light of this implication. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Business Case Development. A Comprehensive Guide (2023) Explore the ins and outs of ecommerce: how it works, types of ecommerce models, online shopping trends, and benefits of selling online. Management Information System Department, Business College, King Abdul-Aziz University, Rabigh, Saudi Arabia. Unlike several aspects of online business, where people engaged in different forums for purchasing and selling, E-Entrepreneurship allows individuals to use a variety of platforms; from the web to mobile devices, to connect with online communities to improve business transactions. Perseverance? Finally, factor loadings with absolute values less than 0.5 were eliminated, leaving only objects with absolute values greater than 0.55 to be calculated (see Table ​Table11). Factor loadings and t values for structural model. With a response rate of 69.4%, statistics revealed that respondents aged 28–46 were particularly interested in the survey. Digital entrepreneurship research: A systematic review (4a, 4b). 2000; Shih and Fang 2004) empirically examined IS/IT system and service acceptance using BI as a dependent variable. All of the hypotheses are positively significant and supported, according to the data. French, from Old French, from entreprendre to undertake — more at enterprise. 1 INTRODUCTION. 94305. Online transactions will have a significant effect on E-Entrepreneurship behavioral intention. DEMATEL is now using the result in its decision-making analysis. Recent research from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation reported that the leading concern among “aspiring entrepreneurs” was difficulty acquiring funds to launch or expand the organization. It is thought to be a useful method for identifying cause-and-effect chain components in a complex system (Sheng-Li et al. Ali MA, Hoque MR, Alam K (2018) An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and the digital economy: the case of Asian countries. The analytical methodology employed allows for a thorough and simultaneous evaluation of the measurement features of the constructs operationalized in this study, resulting in reliable statistical evidence for the numerous analyses conducted. 2 a middleman or commercial intermediary. In the field of entrepreneurship, specific criteria need to be met to move from an idea into an opportunity. Being clear on what it means is not just an academic exercise. This person might be interested in creating a new technological solution, reimagining distribution and logistics, or something else. What is Entrepreneurship: Definition and Complete Guide Understanding dependability is concerned with how accurately a procedure or mechanism delivers a certain quantity or result. Step 6: Construct the relationship diagram for the cause and effect: The relationship diagram is drawn base on the result of the calculation of the previous stages. (French) n. 1 the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits. It is critical to ensure that the required requirements are met to increase the adoption of E-Entrepreneurship as a business model, as well as to recognise the significant factors that influence its acceptance. Entrepreneurship means understanding when you have an opening in the marketplace that no other provider is meeting and having the business sense to know how to go after this new opportunity at the right time. A study was performed at this stage of pilot testing, and the results are shown below. A smart venture and the right opportunity don’t guarantee success in the world of entrepreneurship. It nowadays plays a significant role in capitalist economies, often involving high-risk ventures that forge innovative commercial strategies to sell existing products and services or that introduce new products and services altogether. This shows how strongly each predictor (variable) influences the criterion (variable) based on the β value. E-Entrepreneurial intention among young Chinese adults. In some cases, this is adequate to bring a new venture to the point where it becomes self-sustaining from internally generated cash flow. 2023. He has studied applied linguistics, philosophy, and history. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This can be accomplished by providing resource-based assistance for E-Entrepreneurship ideas. The use of E-Entrepreneurship has grown to have a regional influence. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the number of factors to be retained, and variation maximum (varimax) rotation was used because it is the most common and effective orthogonal factor rotation approach for clarifying factor analysis. This research presents a study of the impact of E-Entrepreneurs' adoption as a new service or system within the information systems area, where its practical use is deemed to be extremely important. 2011; Foucault et al. e entrepreneurship definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso This integration emphasizes the role of E-Entrepreneurship in the generation and mobilization of information. The Saudi Arabian government can also promote a culture of empowering E-Entrepreneurship. Burns et al. 2015). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. Many profit improvement opportunities are not novel–and thus are not entrepreneurial–for example, raising a product’s price or, once a firm has a scalable sales strategy, hiring more reps. “Beyond resources controlled” implies resource constraints. Entrepreneurs often perceive a short window of opportunity. It is projected that in the future, Saudis who want to grow their firm will need to develop and increase their abilities to use E-Entrepreneurship. The research objective determines the selection of the appropriate method of analysis, namely the examination, understanding and identification of the most significant factors affecting user-acceptation of E-Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. This aided the current study in confirming the factors that influence E-Entrepreneurship adoption. Corrections? There are many research studies from different contexts to understand the importance of E-Entrepreneurship. What is E-Entrepreneurship? Fundamentals of company ... - ResearchGate Entrepreneurs benefit every sector, from large corporations to small businesses. 2009; Mathieson et al. The values in bold represent those values that are above the threshold. Asadollahi Kheirabadi M, Rafieian J. DeLone and McLean (2004) looked into the performance of such systems and found that web/mobile platform quality combined the attributes of system quality, knowledge quality, service quality, user satisfaction, system usage, and net benefits. Since it is an appropriate measure for measuring sample adequacy, Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) was used. What is entrepreneurship? Given its growing relevance and rapid functional evolution, the research community is increasingly inclined to investigate the position of significant factors that must be addressed to reap its full benefits (Wang and Zhang 2012; Zhou et al. He introduced the term Unternehmergeist, or “entrepreneur-spirit,” to designate a driving force of innovation, one that revolutionizes economic structures and thereby fosters constant economic change. What Is Ecommerce? A Comprehensive Guide (2023) - Shopify J Manuf Technol Manag. Both are designed to evaluate the DEMATEL questions and survey instrument's suitability using a carefully selected sample (Hair et al. While intrapreneurs may need to manage expectations and budgets provided by their sponsoring organization, they don’t have the same concerns as independent entrepreneurs when it comes to investor relations, venture capital, and overall business management. The site is secure. We're sorry but you will need to enable Javascript to access all of the features of this site. at Stanford. The study examines the E-Entrepreneurship platform, which encourages people to participate in the creation of innovative business models. MIS REVIEW Int J 15(1):89–121, Jiang S, Shi H, Lin W, Liu HC (2020) A large group linguistic Z-DEMATEL approach for identifying key performance indicators in hospital performance management. Intrapreneurship: Definition, Duties, and Responsibilities - Investopedia Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship: Definitions and Examples - Investopedia Abubakar AI, Mohamed EEE, Zeki AM. Many researchers (Algethmi 2014; Chandio 2011; Gu et al. 2001) claim that research studies examining the elements influencing a customer's behavioral intention to adopt a new IS/IT system or service through TAM, typically utilise “intention to use” as a dependent variable rather than “actual use”. An official website of the United States government. E-Commerce - Entrepreneur Small Business Encyclopedia Int Res 14(3):213–223, Shim S, Eastlick MA, Lotz SL, Warrington P (2001) An online prepurchase intentions model: the role of intention to search: best overall paper award—the sixth triennial AMS/ACRA retailing conference, 2000☆ 1. Wei PL, Huang JH, Tzeng GH, Wu SI. You need to be inventive, creative, opportunistic, and persuasive, because you rarely have enough resources. E-Entrepreneurship entails the use of online platforms, including social networking platforms, to buy and sell goods (Liang et al. By Russell S. Sobel A n entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. The other independent variable, “Social Pressure (SP)”, was taken from the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen 1991), and the mediating variable, “Online Transactions (OT)”, came from the information system performance model (DeLone and McLean 2004). An e-entrepreneur runs a venture that uses Internet-related technologies and the advantages of ICT to develop new products and services, or to add value to existing ones within the context of the net economy. Technology risk is high when engineering or scientific breakthroughs are required to bring a solution to fruition. According to Jean Baptiste Say, an entrepreneur is the economic agent who unties all means of production, the labour force of the one and the capital or land of the others and who finds in the value of the products his results from their employment, the reconstitution of the entire capital that he utilises and the value of the wages, the interes. Enjoy a 20% Discount on all IGI Global Books. Via your own website or an online marketplace like eBay, you can promote and sell products online, taking orders and accepting payment--all. Furthermore, E-dynamics Entrepreneurship’s and dynamic flow-process were overlooked. An entrepreneur creates a firm to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, Saudi Arabian business leaders must foster an environment of openness and experimentation. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. As a result, future studies should investigate defining E-Entrepreneurship as a full-time job or a part-time job. From this website, you will be able to receive your 10% discount (automatically applied at checkout), receive a free quote, place an order, and retrieve your final documents. MIS Quarterly 319–340, DeLone WH, McLean ER (2004) Measuring e-commerce success: applying the DeLone & McLean information systems success model. Entrepreneurs often perceive a short window. In order to create relationships among these three hypotheses, four key variables were conceptualized. This study uses a quantitative research methodology that includes a questionnaire survey and DEMATEL evaluations. (5): where N is the number of elements in the matrix that will be computed by the average of the elements in matrix T to extract some minor effects were necessary. To determine the order of importance by determining which criteria have the highest order of importance and which is the lowest, we set a threshold. Entrepreneurial pursuits often involve innovation. eContent Pro powers all IGI Global Author Services. An intrapreneur may be considered a type of entrepreneur, though this individual will likely have a bit less freedom and much lower financial risk than an entrepreneur who is truly embarking on a new, independent journey. To improve and create greater prospects for entrepreneurship development, several places throughout the world employ online enterprises. Delivered to your inbox! Essential is the fact that this value offer was only made possible through the development of information technology. Kollmann T (2014) What is E-Entrepreneurship? Social Pressure is the important criteria that have the highest order of importance in the impact relationships within the four criteria. E-Entrepreneurship is a successful forum for creating a partnership between the franchisor and the franchisee, according to others (Chen 2019). (2018) investigated the relationship between PU and the desire to buy online. Therefore, this article focuses on answering. Liou JJH, Yen L, Tzeng GH. (PDF) e-Entrepreneurship - ResearchGate “Entrepreneur.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/entrepreneur. 5. E-commerce | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts “E-entrepreneurship behavioral intention (EBI)”, “perceived usefulness (PU)”, “social pressure (SP)”, and “online transactions (OT)” were identified as the four primary variables. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Businesses that are completely executed on the Internet have had a lot of success, and now the infrastructure has improved to provide a direction for the growth of online entrepreneurship where individuals can be the creators of online businesses or manage them. As a result, the DEMATEL analysis is provided in the following steps: The data of the 10 participants gathered during data collection of this part of the study was calculated to obtain their averages using Eq. 1.1: Chapter 1 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship The participants are chosen entirely on the basis of their likelihood of participating in the study equally. These empirical findings imply that Saudis are compelled to accept E-Entrepreneurship because of their opinions about its relative advantages, after analyzing its usefulness. Entrepreneurship - Econlib Curty RG, Zhang P (2013) Website features that gave rise to social commerce: a historical analysis. The model theorizes that “Perceived Usefulness” can determine an individual’s behavior to accept or reject a new technology or information system. On the one hand, it can be difficult to reduce risk without resources. 2. The history of the word “entrepreneurship” is fascinating and scholars have indeed parsed its meaning. ©Copyright The best example of entrepreneurship is the starting of a new business venture. The practical contributions, consequences, and recommendations give important information for potential E-Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia who want to boost their bottom line by utilizing the benefits of the information-based economy. “Storytelling” by entrepreneurs–conjuring a vision of a better world that could be brought about by their venture–can encourage resource owners to downplay risks and in the process commit more resources than they would if they had not been inspired. Presenting current studies on the nature, processes, and practices of e-entrepreneurship and innovation, this. Furthermore, this study incorporates all three stages of research design: (1) exploratory, (2) descriptive, and (3) casual or explanatory. Furthermore, the scope of this research is limited to the impact of adoption techniques in the realm of E-Entrepreneurship activities by businesspeople. The perceived pressure to perform a behavior that comes from observing what important others say or do is referred to as “social pressure”, also known as “subjective norm” (Ajzen and Fishbein 1975). J Enterprise Inf Manage Int J Gender Entrepreneur, Mathieson K, Peacock E, Chin WW (2001) Extending the technology acceptance model: the influence of perceived user resources. This section gives the results of the DEMATEL analysis, which was designed to uncover the main adoption criterion among the variables after analysing the correlations among the variables based on their psychometric measurement properties. I’ll spare you the results, and focus instead on the definition we use at Harvard Business School. Digital entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship approach in Turkey: Ankara case. Entrepreneurial opportunity is the point at which identifiable consumer demand meets the feasibility of satisfying the requested product or service. The data coding process began with assigning sequential numbers to the collected questionnaires in ascending order, beginning with online responses and ending with hardcopy responses. “Pursuit” implies a singular, relentless focus. 2016). As such, this person also stands to benefit most if the project is a success. Launching a Successful Startup: Common Mistakes and Pitfalls, Stanford Center for Professional Development, Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies, Entrepreneurial Leadership Graduate Certificate. Many issues may arise when considering the possibility of moving any business online. Definition, Meaning, and Necessary Characteristics of Entrepreneurship This will confirm the validity of the proposed framework as well as the findings' differences. 2008), applied to selecting systems strategy (Tsai & Chou 2009) and for e-learning (Tseng 2009). . The answer, perhaps unsatisfyingly, is that it can go in either direction. Entrepreneurship is a significant topic in business management research but also impacts other fields such as science, the arts, and engineering (Kirzner, 2009).It is a field of study that has been legitimized by the volume of articles and books on the topic (Apostolopoulos et al., 2021).In most conceptualizations of entrepreneurship, it involves creating value thereby having a . For example, outside capital may be required to develop and market a product and thereby demonstrate that technical and market risks are limited. I’d argue that it does, for two reasons. Business channels, online and mobile platforms are expected to have a huge impact on people. This shows how the variables E-Entrepreneurship Behavioral Intention have an impact. Stanford University. Entrepreneurs employ four tactics in coping with this Catch-22: So, does Stevenson’s definition of entrepreneurship matter, in practical terms? Refers to establishing a new company with an innovative business idea within the Net Economy, which, using an electronic platform in data networks, offers its products and/or services based upon a purely electronic creation of value.

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